A book about not giving up on yourself.
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“Say Yes is inspiring, but the kind that offers freedom, not fluff. If your life’s purpose needs a metaphorical kick in the pants, this book will do it in the kindest way.”
Kendra Adachi, New York Times bestselling author of The Lazy Genius Way

From a practice,
to a talk,
to a show,
to now a book…
Say Yes asks…
What do we do when life, our plans & ourselves, didn’t turn out the way we hoped? What do we do with the “death of a dream” here?
How do we move past the “Voice of Giving Up?” What are the mental health & spiritual practices we need to keep going?
If Life is a miracle, then why does the miracle suck sometimes?
… and does the Giver of that Miracle have anything to say about the suckiness?

“You’re not over. Not even close.”

Start 2022 with the gift of Saying Yes.
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By reading SAY YES, you will…
Laugh a lot and cry a few times too.
Find solidarity that you’ve gone through something unique and universally hard
Understand the limiting narratives holding you back and how they can be dismantled.
Periodically put the book down and have an honest moment with yourself.
Deepen your faith amidst the complexity and mystery of the journey you’re on.
Underline this book an embarrassingly amount
Awaken to an unexpected perspective on what moving ahead looks like.
Learn the mental health and spiritual practices that keep you saying yes to the path you’ve been given to walk.
Not give up on yourself.
What people are saying…
If anyone has been lying in darkness, may this book be your light turned on, your windows open and the light streaming in with every page. Scott has given us the hope and fresh air we all need after a year that has kicked us down time and time again. Scott Erickson is the hand pulling us up gently and kindly with every word. Scott, thank you for leaving the light on for all of us.

Arielle Estoria, Poet, author, actor
Scott Erickson comes alongside us with humor, grace, and wisdom to remind us that maybe we’re not as stuck as we think we are. Through carefully crafted words and images, Scott speaks straight to the heart of things in a beautiful way I’ve never experienced before.

JJ Heller, singer/songwriter
Almost no one likes to think about their mortality, and many live in the denial of death. Scott Erickson whistles us not past but into the graveyard and then buries us six feet under in belly laughs, tears, astonishment, song, wisdom, and true stories of human vulnerability that crush, surprise, and enlighten us. In the end, as we lie prone in our casket with Scott, a startling hope arrives as we surrender to our worst nightmares of abandonment: perhaps resurrection is the end of all things and not death?

Kenneth Tanner, pastor, Holy Redeemer, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Scott Erickson speaks with unparalleled creativity and transformational vulnerability to the universal question of how we are to keep living out a story we never imagined living. This message will help mend broken hearts and uplift weary heads toward the hope of dreaming new dreams together.

Jay and Katherine Wolf, authors of Suffer Strong and Hope Heals
Say Yes is inspiring, but the kind that offers freedom, not fluff. If your life’s purpose needs a metaphorical kick in the pants, this book will do it in the kindest way.

Kendra Adachi, New York Times bestselling author of The Lazy Genius Way
We all must come to terms with how our lives have, and have not, turned out. Say Yes graciously illuminates how the death of a dream is not the end of our story but the preparation to the unexpected next chapter of it.

Jonathan Merritt, writer for The Atlantic and author Learning to Speak God From Scratch
Like a psychological roller coaster, with twists, hilarity, and existen- tially provoking content at every turn, Say Yes is an invitation into creativity itself. Scott Erickson’s genius expression of self and commu- nity belonging makes a way for my own to come forth.

Dr. Hillary McBride, author of The Wisdom of Your Body
Whenever my soul feels heavy and my heart needs encouragement, I run to Scott Erickson’s art and words. From beginning to end, Say Yes contains healing and hope for weary travelers seeking to live lives full of love and light.

Nick Laparra, founder of Let’s Give a Damn
Meet the author
SCOTT ERICKSON is a touring painter, performance artist, and creative curate who mixes autobiography, aesthetics, and comedic narrative to create experiences that speak to our deepest stories.
He’s currently touring is one man show SAY YES: A Liturgy of Not Giving Up On Yourself, where he walks us through the very personal and universal conversation about the death of a dream and the overwhelming voice of Giving Up in our lives.
He is the co-author of Prayer: Forty Days of Practice and May It Be So, the author of Honest Advent, a Spiritual Director to brave women and men, and a professional dishwasher for his food blogging wife.
Scott lives in Austin, TX with his wife and three children.
insta @scottthepainter